For me, feminism is a tool and political principle, which seeks to dismantle patriarchal power structures. This might sound intimidating, but to feminist activists like me, “dismantling patriarchal power structures” is a daily process that can range from questioning sexist assumptions (like “slutty” women have low self esteem, or feminists are jealous of pretty women — myths I’ll also address on this blog at some point) to challenging misogyny in action (confronting cat-callers, publicly shaming rapists) to demanding access to health care and birth control. All these things are examples of feminism—and they all require bravery, empathy, and solidarity.
As a writer, a feminist, and an activist, I look forward to being a regular contributor this blog, and am looking forward to reading what everyone else has to say on the issue of women and worth.
Sounds like you found your voice :-)